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Ana-Marija Kozina » 5:41am 06-10-2012
Oduševljena sam idejom promjene fenjera u lampu,.
Kako ste to napravili?
Imam ovakav fenjer pa bih htjela isto napraviti.

Sinisa » 1:18pm 01-24-2010
Jako lijepo! Atmosfera savršena (kao iz Djevojčice sa šibicama) na sve četri posljednje slike!
Paul H. Kogel » 7:47pm 12-01-2007
Love your website. I particularly like the photo of the dark forest. Do you own that photo, or is it public domain? I have written a novel and that photo might make a perfect wrap-around cover(if the publisher will okay it, of course). If you own it and allow me to use it on my book, I will place a thank you acknowledgement statement on the acknowledgement page in the front section of the book. Please let me know, by email. Thank you.
Paul H. Kogel
miroslav » 4:13am 09-22-2007
test poruka
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